Bollywood star hero Shah Rukh Khan's Zero movie Deela Padda is known at the box office. But again, after a long hiatus, Shah Rukh Khan is looking forward to success with Pathan. When will your favorite hero appear on screen after three years ..? Fans are eagerly awaiting that. The news that the star is ready to shine on the digital platform (OTT debut) to entertain her fans has become a hot topic in Beetown
Sanki is already filming with Tamil director Attlee. According to the latest information, it seems that Shah Rukh Khan has given the green light to the web series. Leading online streaming platform Disney + Hotstar is about to launch this web series. While his coasters Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar and Sanjay Dutt are entertaining with their films, Shah Rukh Khan said in a statement that he was saddened that he was missing out on that opportunity.
Shah Rukh Khan said that he is not going to tell the audience that he is advancing with the OTT project through this ad. All in all, it means that this Bollywood Badshah is ready to make a splash with back-to-back projects for his fans.